How to Apply

You must have seen the property in person before we will accept applications. 

Qualification for approval:

What we are looking for when evaluating applicants.

  • Credit history. We are looking for good credit but are not rigid about credit scores. We will be verifying that you have been making payments on time to reporting companies, and will look for any collection activity, delinquencies, tax liens or civil judgements.
  • Income level. Gross income for each applicant should be at least 2 ½ times total rent for the entire unit. If legally married income can be combined.
  • Work history. We are looking for stable income and you need to have been employed at your current job for at least 6 months.
  • Rental history. We would like to see good rental history over the last 3 years. If you previously owned your residence, please list it – the payments will show up on your credit. Please list all previous residences including those out of state. Please note that we will be verifying that you made payments on time, left the properties in good condition, and whether your previous landlord would re-rent to you.
  • Background check. While we are not concerned with minor misdemeanors (traffic tickets, etc.) that may appear on your record, it is important that you be forthcoming about any criminal arrests or convictions.

If you do not meet all the above qualifications, you likely will need a lease guarantor/co-signer. Your lease guarantor will need to meet the income and credit qualifications.

We manage properties of many ages and types.  Some are newer and some are considered historic properties.  We believe it is helpful for everyone to consider some differences between “older” and “newer” before applying. Most older properties will have imperfections due to original construction, use, and effects of time. Please understand that these imperfections, whether cosmetic or inconvenient, are characteristic to the property and not critical defects.

Before applying, please take into consideration any allergies and/or health issues that may be affected by the type of housing you have selected. We provide well-maintained properties, but cannot guarantee them to be so perfectly clean, allergen-free, and/or irritant-free as to prevent allergies or other flare-ups.

There should be no expectation that there will be significant improvements or upgrades made to the property, except for cleaning, painting, and repairs that may be necessary between occupants. If you are expecting any changes to be made outside of normal repair and cleaning, they need to be discussed and agreed upon prior to signing a lease. Requested improvements or modifications would most likely result in a rent increase or cost sharing.

It is very important to alert us to any potential credit or background issues. If we know ahead of time what may appear on your credit or background reports, it might save everyone time and money.

Application Checklists:

Applicant:  ➡  Tenant Rental Application

  • Each adult that will be living at the property must fill out a separate application. If you complete the application via pdf you must print the application and physically sign it (we cannot accept electronic signatures on applications).
  • Applications must be submitted with the $45 application fee in the form of a cash or money order (must have exact amount) (NO CARD/ NO CHECK). Multiple fees can be combined into one payment. Payments should be made out to Eck Real Estate Services or E.R.E.S.
  • Each application must be submitted with proof of income. Proof of gross income must show each applicant makes 2½ times the TOTAL rent for the entire unit. If legally married, income can be combined.
  • Proof of income can be submitted via email ([email protected]) or turned in with your application. Proof of income can be your last (3) paystubs, most recent W-2, or most recent tax return.
  • The application with your original signature must be either dropped off in our drop box or mailed to us at 915 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, KS 66044.

Guarantor:  ➡  Lease Guarantor’s Application

You will need a guarantor if you do not have adequate credit, good rental history, proof of income, or the required employment history. Students from out-of-state will need a guarantor.

  • Guarantor must have good credit, stable work history and proof of income.
  • Each applicant will need their own guarantor.
  • Each guarantor must fill out their own guarantor forms. If you fill out the application via pdf you must print the application and physically sign it (we cannot accept electronic signatures).
  • Form MUST be notarized.
  • Each guarantor form must include the $15 application fee in the form of cash or money order (NO CARD OR CHECK). Multiple fees can be combined into one payment. Payments should be made out to Eck Real Estate Services or E.R.E.S.
  • Guarantor must submit proof of income via email or printed copy. Proof of income can either be the last (3) paystubs, most recent W-2 or most recent tax return.
  • The guarantor application with the original notarization must be either dropped off in our drop box or mailed to us at 915 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, KS 66044. If guarantor is out of town the forms may be scanned and emailed ([email protected]) directly to us but then the original must be mailed before we can give final approval.

Processing and Terms:

  • Processing time can take up to two weeks. It could happen sooner if all required paperwork is submitted quickly and if the previous landlords get back to us in a timely manner.
  • If approved, we will email the lease to you for review and electronic signature(s). You have 7 days to sign the lease and submit the deposit payment
  • If an approved applicant does not sign a lease agreement or pay the deposit by the deadline, the offer to lease may be rescinded by E.R.E.S. Special provisions should be made in advance if the applicant cannot meet these time constraints. Please understand that E.R.E.S. cannot turn away prospective tenants and hold the property for an extended period without a binding commitment from the applicant.

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